The EU aid programme for Turkish Cypriot

Since 2006, the European Union (EU) has allocated more than EUR 555 million to projects in support of the Turkish Cypriot community.

The EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community aims at encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community, to facilitate the reunification of Cyprus and improve contacts between the two communities and the EU.

The programme offers not only financial support, but also through the EU Program Support Office (EUPSO) it also provides technical assistance and information in support of economic development.

At Erginel Law we believe that the current programme can play an important role in the economic and social growth of Northern Cyprus. Below you can find information on the EU Aid Programme for Turkish Cypriot community.


The European Commission delivers assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community under the Aid Regulation 389/2006 and focuses on areas of present problems. The major element of the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community is supporting rural development, infrastructure, cultural and social life. According to Regulation 389/2006, the programme intends to address the following objectives on an annual basis:

  1. Promotion of social and economic development in the Turkish Cypriot community. The key sectors targeted under this objective are: Rural Development, Human Resources Development and Private Sector Development.
  2.  Development and restructuring of infrastructure, in particular in the areas of energy and transport, the environment, telecommunications and water supply.
  3. Reconciliation, confidence building and support to civil society.
  4. Bringing the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU, through information and contacts between Turkish Cypriots and other EU citizens.
  5. Helping the Turkish Cypriot community, preparations for the implementation of EU law, once a comprehensive settlement is agreed to the Cyprus problem.


The EU Aid Program addresses various categories of beneficiaries such as farmers, producer groups, businesses, local government authorities, partnerships, government departments, entrepreneurs and other agencies through whom it can be achieved economic and social developments of the island.


Every year European Commission issues calls for Proposals with respect to different areas. An application must be submitted in accordance with certain rules, with particular attached documents and within deadlines.

Independent from the objective of the proposal, any person wishing to apply for the EU aid must provide information about the leader and members of the project, economic and financial capacity, areas of specialization, experience, declarations, etc.

The application and all written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.

At Erginel law, we have vast experience with the EU law and regulations and would like to recommend you to seek legal advice when lodging an application to the EU Aid Programme. The application format must be strictly observed, otherwise the application will be rejected. Thus, to save time and not to miss the financial support opportunities, we recommend that you ask for guidance.

Follow our website or Facebook page to be aware of new updates on the EU aid programme and ongoing calls for proposals.

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