Chief Justice Mehmet Zekia
“Chief Justice Mehmet Zekia is one of the most prominent personali-ties who left a mark on the twentieth century Turkish Cypriot history.Being born in a small village far from the capital, he, through a combi-nation of support from his father and personal talent, reached positionsand made contributions to his society unthinkable to many of his fellow compatriots. Zekia had a remarkable career in law, starting as a barri-ster, continuing as a judge and reaching the position of Chief Justice of Cyprus. In addition, he acted as the Cypriot judge at the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights (ECHR) up until the end of his life. Meanwhile, he engaged in various initiatives that transformed the Turkish Cypriot society in many ways. Zekia was a great lawyer and a true patriot who served his people to the best of his abilities.”
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