Since 2006, the European Union (EU) has allocated more than EUR 555 million to projects in support of the Turkish Cypriot community.

The EU Aid Programme for Turkish Cypriot community aims at encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community, to facilitate the reunification of Cyprus and improve contacts between the two communities and the EU.

The programme offers not only financial support, but also through the EU Program Support Office (EUPSO) it also provides technical assistance and information in support of economic development.

At Erginel Law we believe that the current programme can play an important role in the economic and social growth of Northern Cyprus.

At Erginel law, we have vast experience with the EU law and regulations and would like to recommend you to seek legal advice when lodging an application to the EU Aid Programme. The application format must be strictly observed, otherwise the application will be rejected. Thus, to save time and not to miss the financial support opportunities, we recommend that you ask for guidance.