Mrs Peyman Erginel had the honor to tell her story of her success as the very first woman advocate in the TRNC at the the occasion of the “40 Entrepreneurial Women in the 40th Anniversary of the Republic”.

The event was a photography exhibition that was organized by the “Turkish Cypriot Entrepreneur Women’s Association”, and was held under the auspices of Mrs. Birgül Feyzioğlu, the wife of His Excellency Mr. Metin Feyzioğlu, the ambassador of Turkey.


Peyman Erginel, Taner Erginel and Mr. Metin Feyzioğlu (the ambassador of Turkey) at

Taner Erginel & Peyman Erginel at 40 Entrepreneurial Women in the 40th Anniversary of the Republic nd was held under the auspices of Mrs. Birgül Feyzioğlu, the wife of His Excellency Mr. Metin Feyzioğlu, the ambassador of Turkey

The exhibition which took place in Bellapais Monastery, displayed the photographs of 40 successful women, who have made a significant contribution to the development of women’s entrepreneurship in the Turkish Cypriot community and beyond.

Below are some excerpts from the autobiography of Mrs Peyman Erginel:

In those years [late -70s], my foreign clients, especially solicitors from England, said that they had never seen a woman open and run a law office successfully, even in England. They stated that, although there are a few female judges and lawyers in England, they worked under the management of a man who is the head of an institution.


In the 1970s, Turkish Cypriots were faced with a fatal disease known as “Mediterranean anemia” or Thalassemia. It was not possible to predict when a child would be born sick.  The birth of such a child would have devastating consequences for the entire family. All the people were uneasy and lived in fear.


In order to prevent the disease [“Mediterranean anemia” or Thalassemia] which Turkish Cypriots face], in 1970s, efforts to establish the “Association for the Protection of Thalassemias” began. I participated in these activities. I prepared the charter of the “Association for the Protection of Persons with Thalassemian”. After the association was established in 1978, I also ensured that the necessary amendments were made to the Family Law, obliging the couples intending to get married to take tests to be aware of the risk for their children of being born with Thalassemia.. Thus, the necessary precautions were taken to stop the disease.


I provided pro bono legal services to establish and obtain a legal status to many associations, charities and foundations in TRNC.

Some of these associations are:

  1. a) Kyrenia Animal Rescue Association
  2. b) Osman Türkay Foundation
  3. c) North Cyprus Cancer Charity Trust
  4. d) The Royal British Legion Association


Considering the benefits of the legal advice I provide to the people residing in TRNC, the British High Commission appointed me as their honorary lawyer and I am currently the honorary legal advisor to the British High Commission. Additionally, the British Residence Society appointed me as their lawyer, due to the legal assistance I provide to the British citizens residing in TRNC.


I have always tried to support my young legal colleagues in their careers and professions.

Young female lawyers expressed to me on various occasions that they see me as a role model. They say that they appreciate my contribution to the equality between men and women in TRNC.  I am proud to have played such a role in the Turkish Cypriot community.

You can read a full autobiography in Turkish by the link below:

Peyman Erginel Avukat – Özgeçmişim